Current fitness trackers don’t offer nutrition tracking or other features needed (timers). In addition, the of having a personal trainer can be very high, making access to healthy lifestyles more difficult. Current fitness and food trackers can be very difficult to use.
I designed a user friendly fitness app, that allows users to track their nutrition, workouts, and access personal training and fitness instructions. OnTrack in an all in one app for individuals looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Paper wireframes of the app were created to allow for quick and painless iterations of the design. It was key to make the initial tracking of nutrition or fitness at the forefront.
The low-fidelity prototype represented the user flow of executing and tracking a fitness routine, and making a meal based on a recipe. This was then used for a usability study with users."
OnTrack Low-Fidelity Prototype
I conducted two rounds of usability studies. The first study revealed insights to aid in the development of the mockups from the wireframe stage. The second round helped refine the features included in the final mockups for the app.
The final high-fidelity prototype streamlined the user flow and tracking process.
OnTrack High-Fidelity Prototype
The OnTrack fitness app provides resources and guidance for beginners who are new to health and fitness to easily track programming and nutrition. The app also provides an all-in-one solution for experienced users to manually track their health.